Here you will find step-by-step instructions on how to create group agreement. They also offer free information on facilitation skills, and working workshops, so make sure to check out their complete list of resources here.
This disability-led charity has created a lot of useful resources with practical tips and guidelines to improve deaf and disable people’s access to music. You can find the whole list here. We recommend checking their guide for bands, artists and promoters on how to make gigs and tours more accessible for deaf and disabled people. If you have a particular interest on improving accessibility within your organisation, we recommend to check out their Accessible Employment Guide, which you can find here.
As the name says, this handbook provides examples and good practices on how to achieve gender equality and promote diversity.
This toolkit contains clear definitions and easy activities to learn what is norm criticism and how to be norm critical.
In this toolkit you will find useful information to learn more about identities, adopting an intersectional approach and exercises to evaluate the status quo in your organisation. Make sure to check other IGLYO resources to learn more about LGBTQ+ topics and more. You can find them here.
In this toolkit you will find useful checklists to analyse the composition and representativeness of your organization (p. 44) and projects (p.46). The toolkit also contains several games and activities focusing on inclusion.
In this toolkit you will find activities to address gender and sexuality when working with youth.
Here you will find activities and further resources to reflect on white privilege.
In this digital guide, you will find industry advice; tips, information, networks, lists of collectives and organisations pushing for inclusivity across Europe and more.
This publication is full of ideas and actions to fight patriarchal structures. You will find practical tools to make changes at the organisational level, useful apps and a quick test to map out how your organisation is doing in gender related topics.
This project published useful resources related to the topics of gender equality and inclusion. Here you will find a bunch of useful publications and literature related to gender and power relationships with focus on sexual harassment and power abuse in the culture and creative sector. And a handbook full of inclusion and diversity practices.
Here you will find clearly explained games with different purposes and for a variety of ages.
If you are looking for quality games and non-formal education tools to explore topics such as identity, equality and inclusion, you can also check out The Identity and Peace Education Identity Jar, the Education Pack – All different, all equal and the Compass: Manual for Human Rights Education with Young People. Finally, Gender Matters is specific toolbox including games and NFE activities dedicated to address gender-based discrimination.
Further resources on Gender and Inclusion, used and analysed within the Play it Loud! working group and process:
Arts-Metric Social Sustainability & Inclusion
Useful video to understand microaggression
European Youth Forum diversity and inclusion guidelines
Guidelines for Inclusive Education: Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Gender Expression
EIGE Gender Mainstreaming – Gender analysis
EIGE Gender Mainstreaming – Gender awareness raising
EIGE Gender Mainstreaming – Gender Planning
CoE Achieving gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
CoE Gender Equality Strategy 2018-2023
KeyChange Manifesto: Recommendations for a gender balanced music industry
FreeMuse - Painting the rainbow: how LGBTI freedom of artistic expression is denied